Angels Four has been announced as the first movie adaptation of the book “Angels Four” written by David Nott, a British climber and journalist who was one of the four climbers to have reached the top of the Angel Falls. Their adventure became the first epic ascent of the highest waterfall in the world. That legendary story of the 70’s is now seeking public support on Kickstarter for its movie adaptation.

“Angels Four is not only a marvelously gripping adventure story that takes you into a remote, wild region and demonstrates, with vivid images and powerful emotional moments, how to climb a mountain, but it’s mainly about the human beings who climb it and their unique and incredible nature.” Said one of the directors of this inspiring project while talking about its various aspects.

The story is full of thrill, action, fear and most importantly, adventure. The filmmakers are seeking generous support from everyone around the world because this is a tale that deserves to be told.

The Kickstarter campaign is located on the web at: and it offers pledges from €50 to €500. The reward from the €500 pledge includes the following great gifts:

- 2× Poster of the Film signed by the director
- The Screenplay signed by the writer
- Book signed by the author
- DVD of the Film (pre-order)
- Baseball Cap with Title of the Film (different colors)
- T-Shirt in different sizes

About Angels Four

Angel Fours is a movie adaptation of one of the greatest and most inspiring hill climbing story of four men who dared to climb the highest waterfall in the world, the Angel Falls. The directors are now seeking support on Kickstarter and everyone is welcome to back them.

Contact Person: Manlio Roseano
Company: MR Productions
Address: Arabellastrasse 5, Munchen, Germany
Phone: +1(310)6018284
Email: [email protected]

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